Вестник ГГУ

cетевой электронный научный журнал

Гжельского государственного университета

ISSN 2713-2587
Россия, 140155, Московская область,
Раменский городской округ,
пос. Электроизолятор, 67
+ 7 (499) 553-84-04

ГГУ Гжельский государственный университет
ГГУ Новости науки ГГУ Истоки ГГУ


applicants to the online electronic scientific journal Gzhel State University "Vestnik GSU"


1. All materials submitted to The Editorial board of the journal are reviewed.

2. The publication reviews all materials submitted to the editorial office that correspond to its subject matter, for the purpose of their expert evaluation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have published on the subject of peer-reviewed materials for the last 3 years.

3. Form of reviewing materials: the reviewer is selected by The Editorial board of the journal from among the members of The Editorial board (in agreement with the editor-in-chief of the journal) or leading experts in the field of this work.

4. The deadline for writing the review is set by agreement with the reviewer.

5. The review should reveal the relevance of the submitted material, the degree of scientific novelty of the research, determine whether the text proposed for publication corresponds to the subject of the journal and characterize the scientific level of presentation (style, literacy, language culture).

6. The reviewer makes a conclusion about the possibility of publishing the material: "recommended", "recommended taking into account the correction of comments noted by the reviewer" or "not recommended". If the publication is rejected, The Editorial Board sends the author a reasoned conclusion.

7. After The Editorial board makes a decision on the admission of materials for publication, The Editorial board informs the author about it.

8.  Reviews are stored in the publishing house and editorial office of the journal for 5 years.

9. The Editorial board shall send copies of reviews to the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation with the corresponding request.